Ethy-Gen® II Concentrate

Proven, Tested, and Trusted to create Ethylene
for Ripening, Degreening and Curing…since 1973

Authorised by as a Plant Protection Product by ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΑΓΡΟΤΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ & ΤΡΟΦΙΜΩΝ ΓΕΝΙΚΗ Δ/ΝΣΗ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑΣ under Marketing Authorisation Number 8332

Specially formulated by Catalytic Generators, Ethy-Gen® II is an efficient and clean way to convert to ethylene. It is stringently tested by third party laboratories for purity so that you can be assured of the quality of ethylene emitted by the generator (and NO harmful byproducts or residues)

ETHY-GEN II Concentrate packaging with two bottles and a box for ripening and degreening using a catalytic generator.

Produced from the finest USDA No. 2 yellow dent corn, Ethy-Gen® II is environmentally friendly and from renewable sources. Every bottle is batch numbered for traceability and sealed for safety. It’s the one to trust for your ethylene application needs.

Ethy-Gen® II is available by the box in 12 one-liter bottles. Also available in a 55-gallon container for our Centralised Ripening System - CRS® customers.